IPW - Institute of Professional Willwriters
The Institute of Professional Willwriters (IPW) was founded in 1991 as a self-regulatory body to safeguard the public from unqualified practitioners and unethical business practices and has become established as the recognised professional body regulating and promoting the profession of Willwriting in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
TSI - Trading Standards Institute
Please click on the Trading Standards Institute logo at the bottom of this page to verify our membership of a Trading Standards Institute approved consumer Code of Practice.
Rituals Today
Celebrant Rosalie Kuyvenhoven creates personalised and meaningful ceremonies and rituals for moments that matter.
Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT) - Make a Will Month 2019
This September we are supporting Addenbrooke's Make a Will Month to help raise funds for Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT). We will waive our fees for a standard Will, to allow you to make a donation to support cancer services at Addenbrooke’s. Contact us to enquire about available appointments.
FSB - The Federation of Small Businesses
As experts in business, the FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in government. Their mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.